El BIS publica un informe sobre el "Proyecto rompehielos": desarrolla un modelo de pago CBDC minorista transfronterizo

El Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BIS) ha publicado un informe que resume “Proyecto rompehielos” ensayo, que exploró las posibles ventajas y dificultades de utilizar una moneda digital minorista del banco central (CBDC) en pagos transfronterizos. El experimento fue diseñado para probar “la…

Israeli Startup Chain Reaction Raises $70 Million to Build Blockchain Silicon

Chain Reaction, a Tel Aviv-based blockchain startup, announced it has raised $70 million as part of its Series C funding round. The objective of the company is to expand its engineering staff to accelerate the production of its blockchain-focused silicon and

Davos 2023: Las CBDC son el futuro del dinero de los bancos centrales, pero aún no están listas

Un foro económico mundial (FEM) Un panel compuesto por banqueros centrales y proveedores de tecnología globales ha perfilado las monedas digitales de los bancos centrales. (CBDC) como el futuro del dinero del banco central, presentándolos como una de las soluciones a las limitaciones del sector de pagos…

Israel prohíbe transacciones en efectivo por montos que comienzan tan bajos como $1,700

New legislation introducing tighter restrictions on payments with large sums of cash will enter into force in Israel on Monday. The goal, as stated by the countrys tax authority, is to improve the fight against organized crime, money laundering, and tax

El banco central checo planea multiplicar por diez las tenencias de oro, El nuevo gobernador dice que los metales preciosos son "buenos para la diversificación"

The incoming governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB), Aleš Michl, has said he plans to increase the institutions gold holdings almost tenfold from the current 11 tonnes to 100 tonnes. Michl also said he will ask the banks foreign exchange

Bank of Israel: Adoption of CBDC Will Not Materially Affect the Banking System

Israels central bank says the publics adoption of the digital shekel is not expectedto materially affect the banking system.” El Banco, sin embargo, warns that any issuance of such digital currency will likely result in a decline of the volume of

Goldman Sachs Sees the Metaverse as $8 Trillion Opportunity

Global investment bank Goldman Sachs has predicted that the metaverse could be an $8 trillion opportunity. Several others have similarly predicted that the metaverse is a multitrillion-dollar market. Goldman Sachs Says the Metaverse Could Be an $8 Trillion Opportunity Global investment

BNY Mellon Urges Ireland to Adopt Crypto Rules Before EU Regulations, Informe revela

As authorities in the EU are still discussing union-wide cryptocurrency regulations, a major U.S. bank has reportedly lobbied the Irish government to adopt its own rules for the space. BNY Mellon launched its digital asset business in Ireland this year to